Are you Ready to Meet
a Manatee?

Are you Ready to Meet a Manatee?

Test your Knowledge…

Did You Know...


Beginning in November, the manatees begin to make their way into the springs.


Manatees eat tender seagrasses that grow in Florida’s springs until the end of March.


Averaging approximately 10 feet long, manatees can tip the scales at up to 3,500 pounds!


Visitors to Hunter Springs Kayak and Manatee Tour and Dive can get up and close and personal with these amazing creatures with our incredible selection of watercraft and guided manatee tours.


We are open 7 days a week and provide everything you need to create memories that will last a lifetime, whether you are going solo or bringing family and friends.


You can book your adventure right now with the click of a button!

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Before You Go, You Need to Know…

Florida Manatees are heavily protected by the Florida Wildlife Commission and there are rules and regulations that must be followed for this imperiled creature to remain a natural resource for all to enjoy.  

Manatees are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978. It is illegal to feed, harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, annoy, or molest manatees. 

Our experienced team of staff, in-water guides, and seasoned captains are local experts on how to best view and swim with these ancient creatures. We offer both public and private tours with limited capacity, as well as the largest selection of personal watercraft on the gulf coast.

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